Some day when you're using your computer you may have a problem getting onto the internet. There are many things that can cause this to happen. It could be anything from a problem with your internet provider, or a problem with your network adapter or possibly your router if you are using one, and the problem could also be with your modem as well as your Ethernet cable.
There are a lot of different things that can go wrong with your computer, Including the possibility of a virus or spyware infecting it that may prevent you from getting on to the internet. The first thing I suggest you do before we tamper with any settings on the PC is turn off your computer, then turn off the power to your router, with most routers you simply unplug it, then also like the router unplug the power to your modem. So basically all the network items are powered off. Next in this order turn on the modem, wait approximately 2 full minutes for the modem to be completely restarted, then if you have a router, turn it on and also wait 2 minutes for it to completely start up and establish network connections, then last turn on the computer and try to get on to the internet. If you still cannot get on the internet then we will check the proxy setting. There are other things that can be checked but we will go over those another time.
Sometimes virus removal may be required to resolve the problem. However there is something that is very basic and simple for you to check yourself. Sometimes a virus or spyware infection on your computer may screw up some of the settings on your computer that enable you to get onto the Internet.
The settings affect the networking functions of the computer. Now there are many different things that can be checked to resolve the Internet explorer error, page cannot be displayed, We will look at a very basic problem.
The problem may have to do with Internet explorer proxy setting. We get to this setting by opening internet explorer and look for the "tools" tab, click on it then you will see a list of items, look at the bottom of the list for "Internet options" click on it, A new window will open and across the top of it you will see a series of tabs. Look for the tab that says "connections". Click on Connections, then another window will open, look near the bottom of it for a button that says "Lan Setting" Click on it, another window will open, This is the window that we are going to work in. Look for any little boxes that have check marks in them. If there are any check marks in boxes that have anything to to do with "PROXY" remove the check marks. Save the setting by clicking on a button at the bottom of the box usually ok or apply when that box closes you may se the previous box you can click on ok or apply again. Then close all programs and re open internet explorer and you should be able to see the webpage...If the problem was the proxy setting.
Another way to get to internet options instead of opening Internet explorer. You click the start button in the lower left corner of your screen (unless you have changed its default location) Then if you are using Windows XP click on run, If you are using Vista or Win 7 you will type the command in the search box after you click the start button, you will see a box where you can type in a command. The command to type in is inetcpl.cpl this will open internet options then you can click the connections tab at the top of that box and continue with the instructions.
I hope this helps some people out there, keep in mind this is only one of many problems that can prevent you from getting on the internet.
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